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East Europe Foundation is hiring Grants and Contracts Manager
Publicat: 09.11.2018   

Title: Grants and Contracts Manager
Work program: Full time, from 9AM to 6PM
Department: Finance and Administration
Reports to: Director of Finances and Administration
Location: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Tentative start date: 01 January 2019
Term of employment: Fixed term contract for 12 months

Please access the Terms of References bellow. 

East Europe Foundation is a non-profit, non-political organization established in the Republic of Moldova in accordance with the Law on Foundations started its operations on June 1, 2010. EEF goal is to build democratic systems in Moldova, empower Moldovan citizens and foster sustainable development through education, technical assistance and grant programs that promote civil society development, strengthen media, enhance good governance and build economic prosperity.
EEF is the successor organization of Eurasia Foundation in Moldova and continues its rich, 18-year legacy of promoting democracy and the growth of a market economy in Moldova. Eurasia Foundation has invested more than $400 million through more than 8,400 grants and operating programs in Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. During the last 18 years, Eurasia Foundation in Moldova has invested more than $6 million and awarded grants to more than 150 Moldovan NGOs.
EEF Strategy for 2017 - 2020 is funded by the Government of Sweden, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and the European Union and other donors. Around 50% of EEF budget goes to re-granting (award of sub-grants to registered NGOs in Moldova).

Position Summary
The Grants and Contracts Manager performs a variety of complex tasks in sub-grants management, including pre-award due-diligence, contract management, financial reporting, monitoring and other related tasks.
Main duties and responsibilities:
• Review proposals and financial documents of potential grantees in order to find out the organization’s capacity to run the grants’ funds;
• Conduct pre-award site visits to potential grantees;
• Review registration, fiscal and other relevant documents of grant applicants in order to determine their legal and financial status and; to present written comments regarding the legal and financial documents;
• Review and coordinate with potential grantees the budgets of submitted project proposals in order to optimize and exclude unallowable expenses. Present written comments based on review results;
• Organize grant management seminars, including the necessary reporting documents, as well as materials that include the requirements of EEF towards the financial reporting on the grant;
• Monitor the execution of grant agreements by EEF grantees; perform regular site visits;
• Keep control over the process of grantee’s financial and narrative reporting to EEF;
• Visit, if necessary, the grantees, to provide consultations on issues regarding the proper running of the grants;
• Review the financial reports of grantees; 
• Prepare grant disbursement requests;
• Keep the grant files and ensure all necessary documentation is kept in the file according to the handbook;
• Ensure that full information about all grants is introduced in the grant management system.

Education: Bachelor degree in economics, finance and/or accounting field.
Experience: At least three year of professional experience in finance and accounting. Experience in organizational development and non-profit management. Experience of working with international organizations is an advantage.
Other: Fluency in written and spoken Romanian, Russian and English. 

Application procedure:
Interested candidates shall submit the following documents:
1. Motivation letter, including details of three reference persons;
2. Curriculum vitae of the applicant.
The application package shall be submitted via email to: with the text „Grants and Contracts Manager” in the subject line, by 30 November 2018.
For additional information on the activities of the East Europe Foundation please visit the following web site:
Only selected persons will be contacted. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

EEF provides equal employment opportunity to all employees and applicants regardless of race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion or belief, marital status, pregnancy, sex, age, disability, opinion, political view or any other status.

Descarcă fișierele atașate
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Str. 31 August 1989, 98, etaj 3
Chişnău, MD-2004, Republica Moldova
Telefon:  +373 22 235343
Numărul de fax:  +373 22 542338


Acest site web a fost realizat de către Fundaţia Est-Europeană din resursele acordate de Suedia și de Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al Danemarcei/DANIDA. Opiniile exprimate aparţin autorilor şi nu reflectă neapărat punctul de vedere al Guvernului Suediei sau al Ministerului Afacerilor Externe al Danemarcei/DANIDA.

© 2025 Fundaţia Est-Europeană   |   Site elaborat de Andrei Madan