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Tenders and contests

Date: 14.07.2021   
East Europe Foundation invites Audit Companies to submit proposals for Audit services for a three-year period 2021 - 2023. The audit shall be carried out by an external, independent and qualified auditor in accordance with the international standards. Read more...
Date: 13.07.2020   
In 2018 EEF launched the project “Local civil society contributes to economic and social development of the country”, financially supported by the European Union and co-funded by Sweden. The overall objective of the action is to contribute to the sustainable economic and social development in Moldova through active involvement of civil society and other socio-economic actors with due consideration of Association Agreement and DCFTA. Read more...
Date: 16.03.2020   
During February 2020 – July 2022 the East Europe Foundation and Partnership for Development Centre in collaboration with the Council for Preventing and Combating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality (Equality Body) are implementing the project „Advocacy for better protection against discrimination”. The project is funded by the European Union and Co-funded by Sweden. Read more...
Date: 14.02.2020   
During February 2020 – July 2022 the East Europe Foundation and Partnership for Development Centre in collaboration with the Council for Preventing and Combating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality (Equality Body) are implementing the project „Advocacy for better protection against discrimination”. The project is funded by the European Union and Co-funded by Sweden. Read more...
Date: 03.02.2020   
Application deadline: February 26, 2020. The review shall provide EEF with a technical and professional assessment of results, achievements, key challenges, lessons learnt to date from the implementation of the EEF Strategic Plan and any recommendations for future programming. The review will consist of document reading, interviews and field visits, debriefing meeting, as well as presentation of an evaluation report. It is expected that the evaluation will be conducted throughout March – April 2020 with a preliminary draft report submitted to EEF-M by April 30, 2020. The final report should be submitted to EEF-M no later than May 31, 2020. Read more...
Date: 15.11.2019   
East Europe Foundation is a non-profit, non-political organization established in Moldova in accordance with the Law on Foundations. EEF was registered on 03 November 2009 and started its activities in June 2010. Previously EEF operated as a representative office of the Eurasia Foundation in Moldova since 1998. Read more...
Date: 04.05.2018   
The East Europe Foundation (EEF) and its partners: Agency for Regional Development of Transnistria (ARD), Center for Innovation and Social Development (CISD) in Transnistria, Independent Institute for Law and Civil Society Tiraspol (ILCS), and the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) are implementing an EU-funded project that supports civil society organisations (CSOs) in the RM – with focus on CSOs active in the Transnistrian region. To this effect, EPD is recruiting (an) expert(s) to develop a Capacity Development Program and related training materials for professionals from SCOs in the Transnistrian region. Read more...
Date: 12.09.2016   
Europe Foundation (EPF) seeks an evaluation Consultant(s) to conduct an evaluation of its EC–funded project “Transparent Convergence to EU Policies in Sanitary Issues: the Case of Georgia and Moldova”. The evaluation is to provide an independent assessment of the project’s implementation, including the assessment of the quality, impact, and sustainability of the activities undertaken. EPF expects that the recommendations derived from the evaluation will support the Foundation’s own learning and development process. The evaluation is scheduled to be conducted during October-November 2016. Read more...
Date: 06.09.2016   
Objective of the audit is to enable the auditor to express a professional opinion whether the submitted financial statements are correct and give a true and fair view of activities of EEF and whether the execution has complied with the rules and conditions governing the use of funds as expressed or referred to in the Specific Agreements. Read more...
Date: 03.08.2016   
The “Joint Equal Opportunity Initiative” seeks to improve the situation of most marginalized and vulnerable men and women in Moldova by mainstreaming equality into policy making by the Government and Parliament. One of the project objectives is to expose the selected Moldovan NGOs to the experience of Sweden in the area of advancing equality and non-discrimination. To this end, EEF is hiring an organisation or individual to deliver a two-days training for 20 NGOs on the Swedish experience of mainstreaming equality and non-discrimination in public policies. Read more...
Date: 09.10.2015   
Attention! Deadline extended until October 28, 2015. East-Europe Foundation Moldova is seeking a specialized company, individual consultant or a group of individual experts based in Moldova to conduct evaluation of seven social enterprises currently supported by EEF. The evaluation document shall identify financial performances of the enterprises, if any, challenges faced by them, assess the needs of each enterprise and provide an adequate supporting mechanism for each evaluated business. The task is scheduled to start in November 2015 with the final report submitted no later than December 18, 2015. Read more...
Date: 24.12.2014   
In November 2012 EEF-M launched the project “Building bridges between NGOs, business associations and media from Moldova, Ukraine and Russia for conflict prevention in Transnistria”, financially supported by the European Union through the EIDHR and co-funded by the Government of Sweden through Sida. Provide EEF with a technical and professional assessment of results, achievements, key challenges and lessons learnt from the implementation of the project. Read more...
Date: 24.12.2014   
The review shall provide EEF with a technical and professional assessment of results, achievements, key challenges and lessons learnt to date from the implementation of the Program components not covered by the Danish evaluation: (iii) free and fair elections; (iv) promote independence and quality of media reporting; (v) social entrepreneurship; (vi) youth and education, with specific focus on the e-twinning project; (vii) support to vulnerable groups. If needed, the review shall recommend adjustments in outputs, activities, implementation and reporting pertaining to the remaining program period. Read more...
Date: 28.11.2014   
On September 19, 2012, East Europe Foundation – Moldova (EEF-M) signed a contract with the EU Delegation in Moldova for the project “Building bridges between NGOs, business associations and media from Moldova, Ukraine and Russia for conflict prevention in Transnistria”. The European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) is a partner in this project. The action started on November 1st, 2012 and is aiming at boosting the capacity of civil society organizations, business community and media in the region to meaningfully participate in conflict prevention processes in Transnistria. Read more...

31 August 1989, 98 Str. , 3rd floor
Chişnău, MD-2004, Republic of  Moldova
Phone:  +373 22 235343
Fax:  +373 22 542338


This website was developed by East Europe Foundation with financial support offered by Sweden and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark/DANIDA. The contents are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of East Europe Foundation, Swedish Government, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark/DANIDA.


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