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A Regional Hub for Social Entrepreneurship launched in Cahul, with the support of the European Union
Date: 22.09.2022   

Today, 21 September 2022, a Regional Hub for Social Entrepreneurship was launched in Cahul with the support of the European Union. The hub aims at supporting the creation and development of 20 sustainable enterprises in the field of social entrepreneurship. The newly launched Hub will provide the necessary support to social entrepreneurs in the region – those who will contribute to the economic development at both regional and community level in the Cahul municipality. The development of social entrepreneurship in the region will include manufacturing activities, execution of works or provision of services oriented to solving social challenges and will generate new jobs for local people.

The Hub was inaugurated as part of the project “Harnessing the Civil Society Organisations’ potential to promote and develop the social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova”, financed by the European Union, co-financed by Sweden and implemented by the East European Foundation in partnership with Keystone Moldova and the Contact Center. The Hub was created with the support of a grant worth 40,000 EUR, obtained through an open competition by the Cahul Branch of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova.

“We are confident that the activity of this Hub, which we are launching today in Cahul, will contribute to the acceleration of the development of social enterprises, so that more entrepreneurs benefit from specialised training, mentoring, access to finance and guidance to provide services and products in demand on the regional and local markets. We are glad that thanks to the work and enthusiasm of social entrepreneurs, it is possible to address multiple economic and social challenges, including the creation of jobs, social inclusion of vulnerable people, the development of new quality products and services. The European Union has been actively supporting the development of the social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova, so that as many people as possible benefit of its services and products." said Jānis Mažeiks, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova.

“Social entrepreneurship is less known and practiced in the Republic of Moldova due to the perception that these two concepts are somewhat opposed. On one hand, this is arising from the lack of education in the field, as well as misunderstanding. On the other hand, until recently we had a lack of a legal framework that would specifically showcase how this field can produce results. I appreciate that in the recent years, more and more civil society associations have created opportunities and types of activities that can be financially self-sustaining, in addition to the activities with a strong social impact that they traditionally implement. It is necessary to intensify the activity of supporting social entrepreneurship in Cahul, strengthening the capacities and expertise of civil society in the noble activity it carries out. Cahul is a regional centre and it is absolutely natural that a Regional Social Business Hub is created here. I thank the EU, the East European Foundation, the Cahul Chamber of Commerce and Industry for their support and we wish all of us success in implementing the project.” mentioned Nicolae Dandiș, the Mayor of the Cahul municipality.

“Over the last few years, the field of social entrepreneurship has gained momentum and is developing more and more actively with the support of the European Union. I was pleasantly surprised to discover and follow valuable people who promote this type of business, people who believe in its value and get involved in helping other citizens interested to start a social enterprise. A lot of talented, ambitious people attract resources, look for solutions and invest in this field, lobby, advocate, knock on all the doors in order to incentivise the improvements of the legislation, changes in attitudes, promotion of policies aiming at social entrepreneurship development. More and more civil society organizations are getting involved in promoting this sector, preparing future social entrepreneurs.” noted Irina Bejan, the project director of the Regional Hub for Social Entrepreneurship in Cahul municipality.

The creation of the Regional Hub for Social Entrepreneurship in Cahul municipality aims at the development of social entrepreneurship in the South region of the country, especially in the Cahul, Taraclia and Cantemir rayons. At the same time the project is offering the possibility to use an exhibition stand so that the social entrepreneurs would be able to showcase their products. Social entrepreneurs will be guided by professional mentors in the field of social business and will continuously benefit from new connections with the community actors supporting social entrepreneurship. The Hub will also involve the social enterprises in the activity of the Public-Private Dialogue Platform within the Local Business Agenda and will provide support for the creation of a focus group that will develop and submit suggested changes supporting the inclusion of the social entrepreneurship aspects into the Cahul Local Business Agenda.

Background information:

The project “Harnessing the Civil Society Organisations’ potential to promote and develop the social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova” financed by the European Union and co-financed by Sweden, aims at providing economic and social opportunities to the disadvantaged people from the perspective of social entrepreneurship with the active involvement of civil society. The project aims to strengthen the capacities of civil society in the Republic of Moldova in the process of social enterprises development, which will contribute to the economic and sustainable growth of communities. The project has a budget of over 1,123,000 EUR and will be implemented by December 2024.

As part of the project, the European Union and Sweden are providing grants worth 140,000 EUR for the development of four similar regional hubs, which will be launched by 2024 and will apply the same operating mechanism. The hubs will be opened with the support of four organizations in the North, Centre and South of the Republic of Moldova, as well as in the transnistrian region.

For more information please access: or contact, tel. 068 30 03 04, or Dina Sevcenco, Programme Coordinator,, tel. +37369275788.


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This website was developed by East Europe Foundation with financial support offered by Sweden and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark/DANIDA. The contents are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of East Europe Foundation, Swedish Government, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark/DANIDA.


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